Her Country Master (The Dungeon Fantasy Club Book 5) Read online

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  She loved his arms. She sighed. She loved… him. And then sleep claimed her.

  Chapter Nine

  Elise was having the most marvelous and erotic dream of her life. Or at least, she thought it was a dream. Her eyes shot open as Tyler slid inside her from behind, pumping his hips. She was wrapped up in his arms, still spooning with him. He had positioned her left leg up over his, granting him access to her sex. It was so startling waking this way, her body spiraling to an impressive peak before her brain even fully registered that she was awake.

  Tyler's arms acted as her restraints as he thrust and pounded his cock in her quivering sheath. And she rode the wave of pleasure, not caring about anything but the feel of him shuttling in and out of her body. He was forceful and gentle all at the same time, ensuring that she was receiving the utmost pleasure from their lovemaking.

  He slammed his hips, his sac smacking against her flesh the only sound mingling with her moans.

  One of his hands snaked down to her pussy and flicked against her clitoris in rapid succession as he hammered his cock. Elise came on a groan, her eyes rolling back into her skull as she shuddered at the waves rolling against her system. Tyler's release hit and he pumped his hips, hot jets of semen setting up another round of flutters in her pussy. He thrust until the last remaining drop of his orgasm had subsided.

  "Morning." He nipped at her ear and then nuzzled her neck. His shadow beard grazed against the most sensitive spot on her neck and made her shiver.


  She couldn't help the moan as he pinched her nipples.

  "How do you feel about bacon and eggs?"

  "Hmm?" Her attempt at shifting her brain to something other than Tyler's hands wreaking havoc on her system was failing.

  "For breakfast."

  "Whatever you want," she said.

  "Let me call it in."

  She bemoaned the loss of Tyler's warmth as he released her and slid to the side of the bed. She rolled to her side and watched the interplay of his muscles as he ordered breakfast for the two of them from the kitchen. Feeling naughty and just this side of brazen, she rose up behind him.

  "Yes, if you could add some of your wonderful scones," Tyler flirted through the receiver.

  She pressed up against his back and slid her arms around his waist, her hands going directly to his crotch. He stilled underneath her touch. Well, most of him did. Her hands playing over his dick brought his impressive manhood springing back to life as it elongated, filling her palms.

  "No. That will be all. Thank you."

  Tyler set the receiver down on the nightstand before he reached around and pulled her into his arms with a sigh.

  "What am I going to do with you?" He said the words as a question directed to her, but she wondered if they were more for himself.

  "Well, if you have to ask, then maybe I don't want to play."

  His deep laughter filled the room. "Darlin', I'm going to make you eat those words."

  He hoisted her up and she squealed as he carried her from the bedroom into the bathroom. He stepped into the shower, still holding her, and turned on the spray, where he repeatedly showed her just how many times he would make her eat those words.

  They spent more than an hour in the shower, where Tyler proved to her not once but twice just how ready and willing he was to play. By the time they left the bathroom, Elise couldn't seem to wipe the silly grin off her face.

  While they were in the bathroom—to her mortification, because she had not been quiet at all and she could only imagine what Mrs. Stewart must think—their breakfast had been delivered. Elise discovered she was famished as they ate.

  "Tell me something, Tyler."

  "What would you like to know?"

  "Well, I don't really know how to ask this without sounding weird. But why is a guy like you single? I just find it hard to believe that you don't have women throwing themselves at your feet."

  He cocked a brow with a hint of a grin playing about his lips. "I haven't really been looking. Work keeps me pretty busy, as I'm sure you can empathize with, and there aren't a whole lot of women living in my neck of the woods who are part of the lifestyle."

  "I see. So where exactly do you live?"

  "Hope Frontier Ranch straddles the Colorado and Kansas border, roughly a hundred and seventy miles southeast of Denver."

  "You really are out in the middle of nowhere. So there's no town nearby."

  "Well, my ranch is three point five million acres. Nearest town that is more than a four way stop and a gas station is over forty miles away," he said.

  "Wow. So have you ever had a serious relationship?"

  "I usually keep my interactions, my tastes, away from the ranch. It's just been easier over the years. I was married, briefly, but as much as she liked the money and prestige of being my wife, settling down to life on the ranch wasn't something Ashley was capable of for more than one winter."

  "I'm sorry. That must have hurt."

  He sat back and regarded her as he continued. "Looking back on it now, at what I thought I wanted, I'm glad things didn't work out between us. Our relationship was a bit of a whirlwind. She was beautiful and enjoyed the lifestyle, but when it came time for us to actually have to deal with the true business of living together and building a life, there was just nothing in common."

  "Still, that couldn't have been easy. And I'm still sorry that you were hurt. You must have loved her."

  "I loved the idea of her. In the end, we didn't really know each other."

  "And there's been no one since?" Elise asked.

  "A few subs in Denver I've dated casually, but nothing serious since the marriage ended five years ago. What about you? Why don't you have the picket fence and two point five kids?"

  Elise hid the wound his words unknowingly caused. It wasn't his fault she was defective. It wasn't like she'd told him, since she wasn't entirely sure how that conversation should go with someone you didn't plan on seeing after you leave a country.

  "There have been a few almosts, but at the end of the day, they just were never the right fit. Sometimes I think I'm just built differently, and that the men I've dated don't necessarily equate me with permanence."

  Tyler's eyes seemed to pierce her soul and she squirmed under his direct gaze.

  "Thank you for breakfast, and for—" She felt heat fill her cheeks. "I have to get to work for the day. That dress isn't going to make itself."

  More's the pity.

  "I'll walk you to your room."

  And that was precisely what Tyler did, both of them dressed in robes; he escorted her back to her room, giving her a soul stirring kiss before he left her to begin her day. Taking a deep breath, she entered her room and got dressed. And then she headed to her workroom and Zoey's dress.

  Throughout the day, she found herself humming and with a silly grin on her face. As much as she would have loved to indulge and while away the day with Tyler in bed, she forced herself to continue working on the dress, promising herself that they would continue with her lessons that evening. It made her work just that much harder, so that she would finish early enough to meet Tyler for their nightly session.

  Over the course of the next few days, a pattern developed between her and Tyler. By day, Elise sat hunched over Zoey's dress, adding beads, diamonds, and pearls to the ivory confection, hand-stitching all the minute details that transformed the dress little by little into what she was beginning to believe was her best creation yet. At night, she appeared at Tyler's door promptly at eight, where he would instruct her, restrain her, and give her the most mind-blowing sex of her life, after which they would collapse into his bed, only to rouse through the night and make love off and on. On more than one occasion, Tyler woke her up by entering her. Not that she was complaining. Far from it. He was becoming an addiction, which was beginning to worry her, but anytime she started to head into worrywart territory, she played ostrich, opting to ignore the warning signals her brain threw her way. Instead she revel
ed in the lifestyle she was coming to love, enjoying the ardent loving and sex Tyler so readily offered.

  And when, in her heart, faint whispers of dread reared up at the coming loss and separation that she wouldn't survive unscathed, and she thought she could already feel the cracks in her heart begin to break apart, she turned a deaf ear, and burrowed into Tyler's welcome embrace.

  Chapter Ten

  Elise answered the knock on her door that night, dressed as Tyler had requested. In the last week, he had notched up her training and now deemed her ready for the Dungeon Fantasy Club. He'd already told her the type of scene he planned to do with her this evening, and she felt butterflies beat in her stomach as she opened the door.

  He took her breath away with his beauty. He had a wicked grin splashed across his face as his gaze ran appreciatively over her body. She was wearing barely there black spandex slicked over her naughty bits and boobs, and that was it. Everything else was completely bare.

  "You look good enough to eat."

  "So do you."

  It was true. He'd opted for jeans again, in an effort to please her, she thought. She'd mentioned one night that the sight of him in jeans was sexy as hell, and he'd begun wearing those instead of leather pants. Oh the leather pants were fine and gave him this bad boy vibe, but what really got her hot was Tyler in jeans, the way they rode low on his lean hips. She'd give anything to watch him come in from working his ranch wearing dusty jeans, a Stetson, and cowboy boots. It was a little fantasy of hers that just wouldn't quit.

  Elise couldn't help her tastes, and how much they showed where she had come from. Not that she was ashamed of it in the slightest. It was just that she'd thought, when she'd lit out of her dusty little cowpoke town, that she was shedding everything that had to do with life in the country. Whereas, in truth, the slick men in their tailored Gucci suits and Rolex watches had never stirred her the way Tyler did just wearing a pair of jeans and tank top.

  She was supremely thankful he didn't have one of those big belt buckles, as then she would have been putty at his feet.

  He held out a hand. "Ready?"

  "I hope so."

  "You'll do fine. And remember, it's all about pleasure."

  She placed her hand in his and let him lead her the short distance to the elevator. When they reached the club level, the first thing Elise noticed was the music pumping out of speakers. It was some heavy metal number she didn't recognize but it suited the ambience as Tyler led her to the scene area in the center with the medical table.

  He helped her behind the roped-off area.

  "Strip," he ordered.

  Elise did as he asked, ignoring the crowd that was beginning to form as he set the scene, putting instruments and toys on a metal tray near the table. Her stomach fluttered as she pushed the skirt over her hips and stood nude in a submissive pose with her head down, legs spread, and her hands behind her back as she awaited further instruction.

  At his touch, she startled.

  "Easy, darlin', focus only on me."

  And he drew her over to the table, hoisting her up so that she sat facing him at eye level. Then he placed her hands in the restraining sleeves. He'd told her this morning that he was duplicating parts of their first scene together to make her comfortable, while he would be adding more to it. He was so considerate of her needs, always ensuring that she was at ease and understood what to expect. He'd correctly guessed that Elise had a certain amount of anxiety in general, and the only way to counteract that was by giving her a blueprint of what was going to happen. It had helped her on more than one occasion. Tonight was no different.

  She knew what to expect for the most part, and wasn't scared about the restraints as he crisscrossed her arms in front of each other, had her lean back against the table, and attached them firmly. Then he positioned her feet into the metal stirrups with leather straps, ensuring they were comfortably affixed and not so tight that they cut off circulation. Then he added a strap across her lower abdomen, which was new. He also didn't use a blindfold on her, which left her free to view the circle of onlookers in the arena who were eager to observe the scene.

  The moment panic fluttered in her chest, Tyler's hand was on her chin.

  "You're doing beautifully so far. Focus on me, and only me. Understood?"

  "Yes, Master."

  He leaned in and kissed her, drugging her with his lips. The feel of his jeans, the firm bulge beneath rubbing against her pussy as he claimed her mouth was intoxicating. He plunged his tongue inside her mouth in a series of fast flicks that had her forgetting all about the crowd of onlookers and focusing solely on him.

  While he kissed her mindless, his hands played with her nipples, pinching them and rolling them between his fingers. His calloused thumb scraped across the rigid peaks, sending sparks of heat straight to her groin. By the time he broke the kiss, Elise was panting with need.

  Tyler turned and picked up something off the metal tray, and Elise stilled. He swiveled back to her and his lips descended over one breast, sucking the tip into his mouth and lavishing it with his tongue. He circled the peak, manipulating it until it swelled in his mouth to a rigid bud, then he affixed a metal clamp around the nub. Pain throbbed from her breast, swiftly changing to a pleasure pain sensation that put her on the razor's edge between the two. And then he turned to her other breast, lavishing the same attention on that peak before attaching a clamp. When his mouth closed over the tip, sucking and nipping at the bud in the clamp, Elise felt her eyes roll back into her head as moisture flooded her pussy. It dribbled between her thighs to the table beneath.

  Tyler straightened and picked up a package from the metal tray. When he opened it and she spied the butt plug, she couldn't contain her sigh. Who knew that anal sex would end up being one of her favorite things? And, more importantly, anal sex with Tyler's impressive cock. He really was well endowed, more so than most, and her body seemed to love his magnum size. He poured lube onto his hand and then rubbed it over her tight hole, pressing his fingers into her snug back channel and stretching the muscles before inserting the large plug. This one was a doozy, and she had to take a few deep breaths as he inserted it into her ass. He turned the vibrating plug on a low setting, just enough to set her teeth on edge.

  And then Tyler was picking up a speculum, coating it with lube and inserting it into her quivering sheath. The metal was cool and a bit shocking to the touch. Tyler had explained he was going to use it to stretch her for the final act of their scene, which she was a little nervous about, but which he had assured her would be fine.

  The pressure of the speculum was a strange sensation. It wasn't bad, just not what she preferred—but when it came to Tyler, she'd do whatever he asked of her. Then he began running an expanded version of the Wartenberg wheel over her skin. Starting with her shoulders and breasts, he ran the spiked wheel over her flesh, igniting her nerve endings into a firestorm. The combination of sensations made her pussy ripple and clench in delight around the speculum. Her body pulsed in time to the vibrations from the plug, making her a slave to Tyler's touch.

  There was not an inch of skin on her body, it seemed, he didn't touch with the wheel. When he ran it over her clitoris, Elise whimpered and shuddered, her body unraveling faster than water evaporating in the desert. He set the wheel aside and removed the speculum, then, kneeling down before her, he took her clitoris into his mouth and sucked on the engorged nub. Using his hands and teeth, Tyler drove her body back up the cliff of pleasure. Elise couldn't have cared less who was watching her, the Queen could have been in the audience for all she paid attention to the crowd. The only thing that mattered was Tyler as he swished his tongue inside her sheath, replacing it with his fingers and plunging them inside while his tongue paid homage to her clitoris.

  Her orgasm hit her system with all the finesse of a rampaging bull through the streets, decimating any last strains of control she had over her body. She surrendered to his touch, to the mindless intoxication of his finger still thrusti
ng inside her pussy as it clamped around him. He kept up his assault to her senses, not relenting for a minute, spiraling her body onto a high plateau where nothing but pleasure existed. She came over and over again. In her mind, she knew what he was preparing her for. He'd explained to her that he was going to ensure her body was more relaxed than it had ever been, in order to accommodate the girth of his whole hand.

  That wasn't going to be a problem, as he propelled her body to orgasm after orgasm so that she was just this mindless mass of skin and bones, barely able to lift her head off the table. When her body shuddered and clenched around another orgasm, she whimpered as he withdrew from her body. He turned off the vibrating plug, pulling it from her rear and tossing it in a waste bin. Then he put a glove over his right hand, coated it in lubrication, and returned to her.

  "Remember to use your damn safeword if you need it, understood?"

  "Yes, Sir."

  And then he was pressing the entirety of his fist against the entrance to her pussy. Elise felt her body expand to almost painful proportions as he gently prodded, going further and deeper with every nudge. Her breath nearly strangled in her throat at the feel of him this way. Sweat beaded at her temples as pain and pleasure mingled as he worked his full fist inside her.

  She noted the stern concentration on his face as he pushed forward, watching her carefully for any telltale signs that he needed to withdraw. In and out, he thrust further until he was so far deep and embedded, Elise thought she would be split in two. She huffed a breath. It hurt. Like really, really hurt. She was about to use the safeword, had the word 'red' perched on her tongue. And then he opened his fist inside her. At his movement, pleasure unlike anything she'd experienced before bombarded her system like a tsunami. It swelled and rose so that she was near delirium. What was that? He did the movement again, and she wailed her pleasure loud enough she was certain people on the third floor had heard her.